How to Automate Real Estate Listing Descriptions with Jasper AI

Do you want to increase the engagement of your real estate listings? In this video, I show you how to automate your listing descriptions using Jasper AI. Save time and increase engagement.


Are you a real estate agent looking for a way to automate your business perhaps you're tired of having to write long, lengthy descriptions for your properties that are going to be listed. Jasper AI actually provides a really great artificial intelligence tool that allows us to just simply enter a couple of facts about our property, and a generates a description for you. I'm going to walk you through how to use Jasper's tool in this video. My name is Ariel Herrera with the analytics area our channel we bridge the gap between real estate and technology if you're interested to get the latest information on tools and tips that can help your business and please subscribe as well like this content so I know to make more of it. Alright, let's get started. Right now we're on the site of Jasper Jasper is an artificial intelligence tool that makes it super easy for writing. It helps to create content for a blog social media site. And in this case, we're going to use it for real estate descriptions. So what you're going to do first is use the link below to sign up for Jasper. That way you can get free credits, then once you sign up, you'll be in your personal dashboard. Here I highly suggest to actually go through some of their videos that they have up top. So they do have a getting started video, a jasper bootcamp as well as a Facebook group. If you have any save templates are also going to be on your dashboard. Now for our use case, we're going to go straight into templates. Templates are basically building blocks in order to use the Jasper AI software. So you can do many things like if you're a marketer, having a Google Ads description automatically generate based on a couple of words that you input. If you are selling on Amazon, you can have an Amazon product description as well. In our use case, we're going to go all the way to the end to real estate listings residential. The goal here is to create captivating real estate listings that can sell homes quickly. So the benefits twofold. One, we want to save time to create descriptions for real estate properties and a second and we want to be highly engaging. So more people are actually clicking on them. So let's go into here. And we're going to see that what's required is information about the home to include in the listing. So you can put pretty simple information here like just the number of bathrooms, bedrooms, and a couple descriptive information on the property itself. In my case, I already have a list of addresses that I was able to pull from Zillow has API, which if you want to look into future videos of that feel free. And I was able to get information on a couple of properties in Tampa, including descriptions like the bedroom bathroom Zestimate rents estimate and then as well as some other information about the property itself. So if we look at one in particular, which is 1609 e Paris Street, and we pull this up on Zillow, we could see this as an off market property. So let's imagine that potentially, I was marketing to this potential seller off market and I was able to agree with them in order to list their property. Now if we go to Home details here, there's a lot of information that Zillow is able to pull for these properties. And in this case, the Zillow API does gather information here such as the cooling features, parking and as well as flooring. So that's where this data is coming from that I have over here directly from what's within that Zillow page. And I added two additional columns. Because I know the location of these properties, I know that they're close to Ebor city, which is a fun attraction in Tampa. And then I generated column here a financing of what financing would be expected for each of these properties. For a description, I want to do something very similar to what Jasper aI had. So basically make a template so I don't have to write this out every time. And if we see here, I have a formula that I wrote in Excel and it basically just concatenates all the features that I have within each of these columns to just have one single description. So I could just copy one of these and then paste it into Jasper. And we now have two different output. So let's just read what we sent and then we'll look at the output. We sent three bedrooms two baths 1800 square feet about 1957 Build hardwood flooring, central cooling, garage parking less than 10 minutes to Ebor city and FHA financing. The Jasper AI content then transform this.


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