Podio Real Estate Investment Pack Easy Setup Tutorial | CRM

Are you looking to automate and scale your real estate business? Check out the real estate investment app pack provided by Podio. In this video, I will walk you through the features in the app pack and a step-by-step walkthrough on how to set it up.


Ariel Herrera 0:00

Hey everyone, are you looking to set up your first CRM system using Podio in real estate? Well, I have a solution for you the simple tutorial where I'm going to walk you through how to sign up for Podio setup, the real estate investment app pack that Podio provides, and how to actually send and set up text messaging with Twilio. So you can have everything within Podio. When communicating to sellers and leads. My name is Ariel Herrera, the analytics area channel where we bridge the gap between real estate and technology. I love being able to simplify complex processes, so that you're able to be empowered within your real estate business to grow and scale. This is the kind of content that you enjoy, then please subscribe as well, like this, I know to make more of it. Alright, let's get started. Before we jump into signing up for Podio, and downloading the real estate investment app pack, let's go over a few touch points to understand why do we need Podio to begin with. First, what is a CRM system CRM system stands for customer relationship management. And the whole idea here is that you're streamlining the process of working with customers, and you're able to save data on the customer. So you can tailor different campaigns as well track the leads that you may have. In this visual here we see a user on the very bottom, that's someone who may be in your business. If you're solo business owner, this may be you. On the left hand side we see a target. And that is for us to understand our metrics. How do we know if our email or our mail or our text message campaigns are doing? Well, by having these metrics, we're able to assess this, then on the top part we see a robot communicating with a person, a lot of these early communication stages, we can have automated with a computer, that's going to be a lot more efficient and allow us to reach a lot more potential leads in the future. That on the right hand side, we could see the funnel. As we know with CRM, we need to be able to understand how many customers come through our pipeline, and ultimately, which ones become deals. bottom right hand corner, we see a light bulb. This is how we're able to actually gather insights from this data from the system that we create. Next, why do we go from manual to automated manual takes so much time, for example, say if we're a wholesaler, and we have a list of 1000 potential people that can become our leads. Now if we're going to contact each of those home owners through text message manually, that is going to take us a lot of time, our competitors who may be going through the same exact market, if they have systems already set, they could maybe hit those 1000 customers within only an hour with multiple phone numbers, they'll be able to assess which customers are going to be coming in as leads what performed well what didn't and be able to pivot. In the manual section, we're way too bogged down with the tedious repetitive tasks that it doesn't allow us to scale.

This is where Podio comes in. Podio is made by Citrix. And it's a CRM system that has a ton of flexibility. Now I know of a lot of CRM systems, including Monday click up notion and more. However, I would say the one that gives you the most flexibility of interacting with outside applications is Podio. And Podio is available not only as a web interface, but also on your phone, because it's owned by a very large corporation. It has a lot of support to it. And you're rarely going to find bugs or some of those odd issues that you see when you're using very small starting up type CRMs or companies. So how is Podio structured? At the top we have an organization. This could be you and your entire team that you work with potentially maybe you have a lending business, a wholesaling business, and maybe an investing business where you do flips. Those will be separated in your workspaces. This enables you different groups to organize how you work together. Then within each of these workspaces, you're going to have apps the apps are the lifeblood of Podio. An example app is seller leads. This app will allow you to contact sellers directly have their information and log any notes. These apps in general also have tasks and related conversations. Then below apps we have items so that's the single unit of sales lead a meeting In a project, and this is overall how Podio is structured, fairly simple to get a handle on. Now what makes Podio really special is globey flow. globey flow is what automates different workflows within Podio. Without it Podio would just be a system where you're entering information, which you could just use Google for that for free. But with globey flow, you can actually automate it. So for example, every Friday, you want to send a certain email out, or you want to set people up on drip campaigns. That is all done by globey flow. If you want to interact with many different applications, for example, DocuSign, you want to have everything in one where you could send a contract to a potential seller lead, that's going to be done with globey flow. It also has the availability to connect with many more applications that are very familiar within the real estate space. Lastly, what globey flow does that's amazing is that it allows us to track metrics, it's meaningless to have all this data on what you're working on, if you're not able to assess what's going well, what's not, and have that power to pivot right away. Podio allows us to aggregate the information that we're inputting into its project management system, and be able to get some high level metrics, and summarize how we're doing in real time. At this stage, you may be thinking, Ariel, this is all well and great, but I do not have the time to set this all up from scratch. Well, Podio has definitely received a lot of that similar type of feedback, which is why they've created the real estate investment pack. And what this is, is basically an assessment of different apps and flows from globey flow that help to automate your work that are in one single pack so that you can install this and get started right away. So just think of it as leap frogging and instead of creating things from scratch, you can get started with their template. Now in order to use this you have to have globey flow, which at this time of recording is $24 per user, which is a relatively low cost in comparison to competitors. And with the amount of integrations that are available. Podio also has more information of their ad pack and their Podio Help Center. I highly suggest to review this in conjunction with this tutorial, as they have some great information on what's within this ad pack and some useful tips on getting started. This tutorial is a little bit more in depth than this article so that you don't have any confusion of getting started. Now let's go into signing up setting up the real estate investment app pack and sending out your first text. In this module,we will walk through setting up a Podio account. This is pretty straightforward and easyto do. First Search Podio and Google select Citrix Podio. On the top right hand corner, select Sign Up. either sign up with your work email address or use Google. Once you have signed up Podio is going to ask several more questions about your company industry. As well as how you intend to use Podio. You can quickly fill out each of these and then move on to the next step. Upon completion, Podio will provide a brief overview of their contents. This includes workspaces, apps, and items.

So now we have Podio setup. If we see on the right hand side, we have a getting started, you're welcome to actually go through that. But for now we're just going to skip it. On the left hand side is where we can see all of our workspaces. We have some that Podio automatically sets up for us and within our workspaces. We have apps, this is what we're going to be using mostly. In this module, we're going to install the real estate investment app pack from the App Store. This is what's going to contain all of the apps that we're going to utilize for our business within Podio navigate to Add an app. Within here go to the App Market. This is where we're going to be able to locate our real estate investment, AdPack and other apps for the future. On the left hand side, you could see real estate and property. And here, the real estate investment app pack is the first option. The Podio app market provides a brief description on what's inside the pack, and some of the benefits of it. Down at the bottom, we can see all the apps in this pack, there's nine in total. If we like, we could actually dive deeper and look at some preview screenshots of what we expect to see. This pack contains a seller's lead app, as well as organization of the stage for the seller. drip campaigns email, deeper information on a lead and settings. We can also preview the web hooks that we're going to be using which will be with globey flow. Now let's actually go into installing the pack, select Get pack you can either create a new workspace or override a current one, I'm going to create a new one and just leave a default name for now. Also, you can set your settings private for now works, the install is going to take several seconds. Once installed, see installed pack. This is going to bring you back into Podio where you can see you have a new workspace called Real Estate Investment pack you have apps and now we're ready to install globey flow to make the best use of them.

In this module, we're going to upgrade to premium in order to have globey flow globey flow provides advanced workflow automation and data visualization. This is what allows us to automatically send texts be able to receive calls, as well as to send campaigns. There's automation behind it and the real estate investment pack already has the setup. Make sure to upgrade to premium in order to use the feature, then the workspace we can see instructions are automatically loaded. Podio has this to show that in order for us to fully use the app pack we need to install globey flow go up to upgrade. Here we see there's three different options. Within premium you have all of the features including globey flow, you can click for more information, and then ultimately select Upgrade. Within upgrade, you're going to see that the total costs will be $24 per user. After filling out your details proceed to payment. Here you can complete payment with a credit card. Once that is done, you'd be able to go back to your account. And within billing, you should see that you have now upgraded to premium. Great now we can actually install globey flow for the app pack.

In this module, we'll be going over how to set up globey flow for a real estate investment app pack. I do want to make you aware that globey flow is super powerful. It allows us to connect with many different applications. A lot of these here are familiar within the real estate space. These include batch leads Twilio for SMS, haul rail, Mojo dialer, and even Docusign. We're going to see how we can connect a lot of these applications using globey flow. Now that you've upgraded to a premium account, we can start using globey flow, we're going to go to Google and type in Citrix globey flow into our search bar and select the first option also known as workflow automation. Select login. And here we could see all of our apps we do need to refresh from Podio so that we can actually install our new real estate investment AdPack and the associated globey flow workflows. The importing takes about one to two minutes. Once done, you're going to see how many flows are imported in our case 70 Six. On the left hand side, we could see the real estate investment pack is now available, and we could see all of our apps underneath it. We can click any of these flows. And inside we're going to get a detailed overview of how this flow works. Although it may seem complicated at first, the three steps are triggers, filters, and then actions. Luckily, Podio has already set this up for us, so that we can start to utilize it right away. If you need to go back, always select web hooks to see them.

In this module, we're going to do several things. First, setting up our Twilio account, which will allow us to have different phone numbers to send and receive text messages, we are going to integrate this within Podio. And once integrated, we're going to be sending out our first texts. I highly suggest to start out with a first text or maybe your own cell phone so you could see how it works, we'll be able to send and receive messages. Let's start by searching to allow within Google. We're going to select the option twilio.com communications API's for SMS. Next, we're going to select signup and start building. Here we can get started with Twilio for free, enter our account and then sign up, we're going to be asked to confirm our email to make sure that we're human. Next, we need to verify our phone number. Here, enter in your cell phone number, and then select verify. Type in your verification code that you receive to your phone number and then submit to a little ask a few upfront questions so we can get through and sign up. Here I'm selecting that I'm building with no code at all. And my goal is to build something for myself. Now we're at the front page, we need to get a trial phone number. Let's select this button to continue. Here Twilio is going to generate our own trial phone number. We could save this for records later on. Next, we need to upgrade our account. This will allow us to buy other phone numbers and ultimately connect with podia. Podio requires us to fund our account, I'm going to select the minimum of $20 and hit Continue. You can also select if you want to automatically recharge when your balance gets low, enter in your credit card information and confirm the payment. Once done, you can go to billing and billing overview and you can see your current balance. This will allow you to verify that you have paid and that you're ready to buy your phone number on the left hand panel, select phone numbers manage and buy a number. Here we could select what our prefix is going to be. In this case 716 is going to give me a list of New York numbers. I'm going to purchase the first one. By scrolling down you could buy the phone number. Once a phone number is purchased, we'll see it pop up at the bottom. Here we want to click the act of numbers. And all the way when we scroll to the end we should see a section called messaging service. Here's where we have a web hook that is going to be replaced based on what's in globey flow. Navigate back to Podio. And under my flows, go to web hooks. Here we want to select our first one which is Twilio text message response. And at the bottom, we're going to see external web hook with the link, copy it and bring it back over into Twilio. Replace it with that previous link. And now say Next we want to connect our account ID and our authentication token with Podio. Copy your key and go to settings and Rei select Willow. Here we're going to take our Sid from Twilio and we're going to paste it within the hidden setting value number one. Next, we're going to go back into twellow select the authentication token, copy it and paste it into hidden setting value number two, we're the last piece we want to copy over our Twilio phone number that we bought. We're going to copy the number and then bring it over to setting value number one. Now we can see that Twilio is in our recent items having completed setting it up. We're going to go back to our workspace and make sure that we select the workspace for a real estate investment pack. Within here we're going to set up our first text we see we have seller leads this is where information is all located for the seller. We're going to go to add a lead. And here we're going to just type in our own name so that we could test out the text messaging. There's plenty of fields here. But for the ones that are required for testing, all you need to do is enter your first last name, make sure you select a mobile phone number and enter in your phone, save the lead. And now go over to comments. Within the comments, we're going to be communicating with the seller, we will be able to send texts directly and receive them all through Podio. In the future, we can take it a step further by automating the tax using campaigns. Now to get started, we need to be able to have SMS colon in order to start our text message. We can have variables also, such as first name and property address. Here I'm asking the seller if they're interested in selling their property, we could see our text sent. And now if we look over at Google Voice, we could see that the message has been received. I can say yes, I am. And we're going to see the seller response as well.

Terrific. I hope this overview has given you a clear direction to setting up the real estate Podio app Podio is very powerful and the automations you can employ to grow your business at scale. This is relevant for real estate agents, wholesalers and investors and more professions. I plan to have future videos that are easy to follow, including setting up drip campaigns, Purchase and Sale contracts, visualizations to track key performance indicators like percentage of leads converted, and my favorite importing data that will help you evaluate a property with more precise detail. This will include things like property data, and estimates not just for property estimates, but rent estimates as well. Don't forget to subscribe for the latest content. Thanks


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